Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Goal Reflection

This week one challenge that I had with my goal, was finding time to sit down and practice piano.  I was recovering from a cold, so I tried to go to bed as soon as possible.  School work this week also seemed like an a lot, and this week I needed some more "me" time.  I know that technically if I had "me" time then I could of practiced piano, but sometimes you just need your own free time.  I have finally done something that I have been meaning to do for a long time, and this is to make myself a schedule.  Here it is:
5:00ish (sometimes a little before) - 5:10 -- get a snack and tea/check instagram
5:10 -supper (around 6:00 but it depends on the day) -- homework
after supper - 7:25 personal time this includes writing to my pen pals, planning things, piano and random stuff
7:25 - 7:32ish shower
7:32ish to 8:10 -- read in bed

I have not been able to try this out to much this week because on the days this week were so busy, but yesterday when I tried it, it worked out great.  When you have a schedule with personal time and homework time built in you put a limit to non homework things. 

With my personal goal, I also need to step up on.  Although I have been reading, I don't think I have been reading as much as I should.  To help me with this I am going to do two things.  The first one is I fit a special time for it in my new schedule so I can make sure to read every night.  I also am going to set a goal for reading over Christmas break.  I am going to try and read 3-4 books.  I will be able to read on the car ride (to and from) Connecticut which is 5 hours. In Connecticut I also read a lot whether I'm helping at the day care or during Grandpas naps.

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